Cognitive-Communication Disorders

Establishing the Foundation

Babies and toddlers develop on their own timeline. They approach the work of growing with curiosity and experimentation. Sometimes they need extra help. At EBSCI we are dedicated to supporting you and your child each step of the way. Our multidisciplinary team uses the highest quality evidence-based practice in a gentle environment - just right for our youngest community members (birth-three).

A person with cognitive-communication disorders usually have problems with memory, thinking, attention, language, staying on topic, and any other types of executive functioning. This disorder ranges in severity from a mild deficit in conversations to being unable to communicate. By knowing that each case is different, SLP’s can work on improving attention, improving memory, teach the family members to assist with the patient’s recovery, and establish basic executive functioning.

How an SLP can help with Cognitive-Communication Disorders: By knowing that each case is different, SLP’s can work on:
  • Improving attention
  • Improving memory
  • Teach the family members to assist with the patient’s recovery
  • Establish basic executive functioning.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI):

TBI is a brain injury that should be taken seriously. Even mild trauma to the head can cause problems later on if not treated early. People may develop communication problems after a TBI which may cause later stress in life regarding school, work, relationships, etc. A TBI may be caused by a fall or blow to head, sport injuries, or any other head accidents. An SLP help with a TBI by increasing problem solving, attention, and memory skills. establishing independence  by helping decrease dependence on caregivers, and improving language skills and reestablishing social use of language.

How can an SLP help with a TBI:
  • Increase problem solving, attention, and memory skills
  • Establish independence  by helping decrease dependence on caregivers
  • Improve language skills and reestablish social use of language