Accent Reduction & Modification

Establishing the Foundation

Babies and toddlers develop on their own timeline. They approach the work of growing with curiosity and experimentation. Sometimes they need extra help. At EBSCI we are dedicated to supporting you and your child each step of the way. Our multidisciplinary team uses the highest quality evidence-based practice in a gentle environment - just right for our youngest community members (birth-three).

Overall, an accent is a unique way a group of people speaks. An accent can be either a regional or a national accent and it depends on many things. People who want to reduce/modify their accent are usually people who speak English as a second language, those who want to change their regional accent, communicate better at work, or actors who are preparing for a role. By understanding how you say sounds and the way you talk, an SLP can help modify your accent by knowing what your communication problems are and setting goals to accomplish, changing the rhythm of your speech, changing how you stress sounds, working with actors to learn a new accent, communicate better with friends and at work, and altering how you speak in a conversation.

How an SLP helps with accent modification: By understanding how you say sounds and the way you talk, an SLP can help modify your accent by:
  • Knowing what your communication problems are and setting goals to accomplish
  • Changing the rhythm of your speech
  • Changing how you stress sounds
  • Working with actors to learn a new accent
  • Communicate better with friends and at work
  • Altering how you speak in a conversation